Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Monsieur GoGo!

Happy Birthday Travis!
Riding off into the sunset...

Just a night in with the boys...

'ello love!
There are no words to describe this picture....

This hairdo completely ruined the woman at the next table's night!
and after. Just look at those guylites!
Bringing me a homemade gift for Valentine's Day even after we said no presents!
Don't touch me!
Whose a handsome boy?!
Meowzers! I'm a kitty cat!
Such a goof ball!
 I know that I am a few days late in posting this, but as you keep reminding me it's your birthday weekend. I picked out some of my favorite pictures of you over the last six years. It's hard to believe that it was six years ago that I threw you that (not at all surprise) surprise party! I was a smitten kitten then and I still am. I have not stopped laughing in all the time that we have been together and I hope to keep happily going nowhere with you forever. (Its only forever... its not long at all...). Happy Birthday Round Head! I love you to the moon and back. Here's to Sexy-Six being even better than Sexy-Five! 

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