In an effort to try once again to start blogging (damn law school), I am going to try to commit to something small. I am joining the 30 Days of Thankful for the month of November, and am going to try to post at least one thing that I am thankful for for the next 30 days.
Day # 1
I am thankful for the people in my life who may not have started out as family, but have grown to mean that much to me (and hopefully I to them). I wasn't given a biological family that I can count on, but in one way or another have come to be surrounded by some pretty amazing people. Some I don't see very often, and some I see almost every day, but they mean the world to me and I sure do love them!
P.S. This is what I have been up to since my last blog post six months ago!!!
- I kicked ass in summer school (voluntary by the way) and earned my first A in law school!
- I completed my 1L writing requirement.
- I passed the MPRE!
- I went to Disney World!
- I visited one of my very best friends in Seattle.
- I walked down the aisle with one of my other very best friends and watched as she married her soul mate.
- I started my 2L year.
- I started watching The Golden Girls. Love it!
I will try to start blogging more. I really want to, but I am lazy and can't think of much to say. I hope your first day of November has been beautiful.
- Carleigh
I'm thankful for you!